Full Node API
Enable the API by passing the fullNode
schema to LotusRPC
import { LotusRPC } from '@filecoin-shipyard/lotus-client-rpc'
import { mainnet } from '@filecoin-shipyard/lotus-client-schema'
import { NodejsProvider } from '@filecoin-shipyard/lotus-client-provider-nodejs'
const provider = new NodejsProvider('<PROVIDER_URL>')
const client = new LotusRPC(provider, { schema: mainnet.fullNode })
Lotus source: github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/api/api_full.go
API Reference
- Auth
- Beacon
- Chain
- chainDeleteObj
- chainExport
- chainGetBlock
- chainGetBlockMessages
- chainGetGenesis
- chainGetMessage
- chainGetNode
- chainGetParentMessages
- chainGetParentReceipts
- chainGetPath
- chainGetRandomnessFromBeacon
- chainGetRandomnessFromTickets
- chainGetTipSet
- chainGetTipSetByHeight
- chainHasObj
- chainHead
- chainNotify
- chainReadObj
- chainSetHead
- chainStatObj
- chainTipSetWeight
- Client
- clientCalcCommP
- clientDataTransferUpdates
- clientDealSize
- clientFindData
- clientGenCar
- clientGetDealInfo
- clientGetDealStatus
- clientGetDealUpdates
- clientHasLocal
- clientImport
- clientListDataTransfers
- clientListDeals
- clientListImports
- clientMinerQueryOffer
- clientQueryAsk
- clientRemoveImport
- clientRestartDataTransfer
- clientRetrieve
- clientRetrieveTryRestartInsufficientFunds
- clientRetrieveWithEvents
- clientStartDeal
- Gas
- Log
- Market
- Miner
- Misc
- Mpool
- Msig
- Net
- Paych
- State
- stateAccountKey
- stateAllMinerFaults
- stateCall
- stateChangedActors
- stateCirculatingSupply
- stateCompute
- stateDealProviderCollateralBounds
- stateGetActor
- stateGetReceipt
- stateListActors
- stateListMessages
- stateListMiners
- stateLookupID
- stateMarketBalance
- stateMarketDeals
- stateMarketParticipants
- stateMarketStorageDeal
- stateMinerActiveSectors
- stateMinerAvailableBalance
- stateMinerDeadlines
- stateMinerFaults
- stateMinerInfo
- stateMinerInitialPledgeCollateral
- stateMinerPartitions
- stateMinerPower
- stateMinerPreCommitDepositForPower
- stateMinerProvingDeadline
- stateMinerRecoveries
- stateMinerSectorCount
- stateMinerSectors
- stateNetworkName
- stateNetworkVersion
- stateReadState
- stateReplay
- stateSearchMsg
- stateSectorExpiration
- stateSectorGetInfo
- stateSectorPartition
- stateSectorPreCommitInfo
- stateVMCirculatingSupplyInternal
- stateVerifiedClientStatus
- stateVerifiedRegistryRootKey
- stateVerifierStatus
- stateWaitMsg
- stateWaitMsgLimited
- Sync
- Wallet